12 €

Craniotomy - Ripped Out By ViolenceCraniotomy - Ripped Out By Violence

Band: Craniotomy
Album: Ripped Out By Violence
Year: 2022
Country: Slovakia
Format: CD
Genre: Brutal Death Metal
Label: Amputated Vein Records


1. Sample of Immoral Anatomy 04:02
2. Collector of Inert Bodies 04:01
3. Sadist's Gallery of Skin Pictures 03:06
4. Drowned In Alimentary Canal 03:54
5. Resonances of the Cut and Chopped Heads 04:26
6. Killed, Necropsied and Boiled 03:47
7. Innocet Sustenance 03:32
8. Without Symptoms of Life 02:40
9. Outro 01:34

Craniotomy releases